Thursday, May 3, 2007


Blindness certainly serves as a powerful and effective theme and plot device. Our senses have a strong impact on our behavior and who we are as individuals. Due to the importance and need we as humans have for sight, its lack has the strongest effect. For the most part humans depend on and take sight for granted. Being without it would cause a huge adjustment to occur.
Just looking at culture and language, we can see how important sight is to our society. “A picture is worth a thousand words”. We depend on sight to interpret the world around us and to give meaning to what our other senses tell us. For example, sight allows us to look at body language to determine what a person is thinking or feeling. Body language says a lot about a person and without sight a person is only getting half the story.
One characteristic that people claim differentiates humans from animals, is the ability to create and appreciate art. Art allows a person to capture a moment, a person, even a feeling, for future generations. Images have a big impact on humanity; a powerful image can cause change or inspire action. Even the sight of sunshine or blue skies has a strong influence on how people. In a world of complete darkness, it is a lot harder to be hopeful of the future.
Blindness seems to symbolize a number of fears that humanity has. The fear that we do not know what is going on around us or that we can’t control what happens to us. Horror movies often showcase humanities fear of the dark and the unknown. Without sight, we do not know what monsters there are and that fear shows a lot about the importance we place on knowing the world around us.

Religion as a Great Idea

Though there are many different religions and many differences between religions, there are certain common factors that make religion a great idea. Great ideas are something that have a widespread impact and change society in someway. While great ideas are not always positive or good for humanity, they are powerful. Religion has created some negatives, found in prejudice and holy wars, but it is still a great idea.
Religion can be extremely influential and powerful in society. Throughout history people have done things in the name of religion or for their religion that they would not have normally done. Cultures and laws have been based around religious views during different time periods. In some cases the religion is such a significant part of the community it either influences or is a part of the government.
In order to hold power over the years, different monarchs from Egypt to England have claimed that their authority comes from god. During the middle ages in England, the church was so powerful that they could demand taxes and influence governmental decisions. Even today, religion is a strong part of the opinions people have on controversial issues, and there are still oligarchies in the Middle East.
Religion has such a strong influence, because for many people they need something to believe in, either to give their actions meaning or to hope for improvement. As a great idea, religions have a strong impact, because they unite large groups of people through common beliefs and views. The influence of religion can be seen in society through politics, art, and even pop culture. Religion has always been a unifying and dividing force, and will continue to be a strong influence on the world.

Modern Science

Someone mentioned in class that modern science is a much more global enterprise, and this is partially true. Scientists have come together on different projects in order to complete the same goal, for example the international space station. However, there will always be competition among scientists of other nations, due to the nature of the field and the applications of certain research. A number of research projects can end up benefiting the country in some way, often times with the military.
Science is a highly competitive field with people competing for grants and prizes, as well as acclaim. We talked about string theory in class, and there are a number of different scientists with different theories trying to find this “theory of everything”. String theory is the next big phenomenon, and everyone is clamoring to get in on the action. However, without proof, string theory is still a philosophical view.
Modern science is often about finding the next big invention or medicine, or finding an answer to some major life question. Rarely is science about observing the world around us and trying to understand why and how things work. Because of the need for resources and money in order to perform research, scientists must focus on something that has the potential to be profitable.
The theory of everything has gathered a lot of attention, and many scientists are making a name for themselves through there research. However, is such a quest necessary or beneficial in the end? String theory is almost like the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, trying to find an answer to life, the universe, and everything. Does such an answer really tell us more about the universe than we already know and does it have an impact on how we live our lives?

Natural Selection

Throughout the science unit, we have discussed in class humans’ role and interaction with nature. However, some things we did not touch on include our rule in natural selection. Depending on your views, it can be argued that humans interfere and unbalance natural selection of other species.
Humans unbalance natural selection, by changing the behavior and environment of other species. Deforestation and human expansion has limited the area and resource animals have available to them in order to survive. Pollution has also had a strong impact on other species, damaging drinking water and poisoning some animals.
Behavior is changed by humans through domestication among other things. House cats and dogs are not likely to improve through natural selection, when they are dependent on humans to survive. Humans impact sexual selection, by breeding in order to promote traits they desire, and not ones that will necessarily be beneficial to the species.
Overall, humans are the only species to have such a widespread impact on other species. Some may argue that humans are only acting as a part of natural selection. However, much of the impact humanity has had has been negative. Hopefully, in the future humanity will be able to positively effect the environment and other species.