Friday, January 19, 2007


Marx believes that a communist government is the way to go because in a capitalist government people are treated unfairly and that the middle class or the proletarians are unhappy with their lifestyle. He feels in a capitalist government there are two classes the bourgeois and the proletarians; and the bourgeois only care about themselves and want to improve or do things that will benefit them. In Marx opinion, to the bourgeois, the proletarians are just their labor workers and people who they can have do the "dirty work". They really don’t care much about the proletarians feelings or how they are living their life. According to Marx, however, in a communist government, they are trying to make everyone equal and the communist people are there to help the proletarians be just as wealthy or powerful as everyone else. They want to do away with different classes and allow all people to have the same opportunities.

Overall I think Marx essay is pretty good. I like the fact he wants everyone to be a part of the same class but I don’t think having a communist government is the answer. First of all, I don’t believe there are only two groups in a capitalist government. I believe by Marx saying that, he is making a descriptive assumption; not everyone is classified in one of the two groups. Marx himself says, there are all sorts of people but they are pretty much labeled as being a proletariat or a bourgeois. I feel there are people in-between the two groups and that they are very capable of switching into another if they are unhappy with their lifestyle. Therefore, Marx has no proof that people who live under a capitalist government are unhappy and dying for change. Another thing that makes me feel differently than Marx is when it comes to values. I feel he values equality for all over power for some and he also values everyone working at the same level over having someone with more power or a leader. I value, however, the hard worker. I believe if someone works harder than another, they deserve to receive more than that person and get more recognition. I also think that if we didn’t have leaders, it would be hard to run businesses and for everyone to make a good living. People need a leader or someone who is in charge because without someone controlling things there would be chaos and confusion. Along with having a lead everyone is society wants to be at least a little better than their neighbor so I don’t see communism turning out as Marx claims. Not everyone will be able to be on the same level and get along with no problems. If everyone was equal and free to do as he or she pleased, businesses would fall and work would not necessarily get done. In my opinion it is much easier to be told what to do or how to do it, then it is doing it on my own. It would be nice for everyone to be equal and at the same level, but unfortunately I don’t see it happening anytime soon considering people are greedy and some people just don’t want to work as hard as others.

1 comment:

chad rohrbacher said...

Perhaps you could explore more by what you mean as a capitalist governement? Communism and capitalism are both econimic systems and niether theory has been tried in their "pure forms".

"First of all, I don’t believe there are only two groups in a capitalist government," you mention in your piece. And Marx recognizes there are many "classes" in society -- he places everyone who is not an "elite" or in the "bourgeseois" as a "prol". Could you explore how one might swicth between a the two groups or give examples -- as I would assume you mean a "prol" could become "bougy" if they were unhappy.

I think your ideas on leadership and equality are interesting. I'm not certain Marx discusses the form of government or how things would be run, rather he focuses on "getting rid" of super elite who benefit, in his mind, by taking advantage of the many.